BDLaw › Practice › Tax


We provide legal advice and advocacy services to transactions related to taxation, and represent clients directly before Vietnamese Authorities and the courts in Vietnam in the tax transactions. Among our areas of expertise are:

1. Tax Policies and Investment Incentives.

2. Securing Tax Incentives.

3. Tax Services.

Tax Policies and Investment Incentives

Advise on all aspects of Vietnamese law on taxes, policies and incentives of Vietnam Government on tax issues;

Make a systemization of Vietnam taxation and incentives in specific business sector, with conditions for enjoying tax preferential treatment.

Securing Tax Incentives

Advise on procedures and assist in preparation of documents for enjoying tax incentives;

Represent clients directly at Vietnamese Authorities to make demonstrations and explanations on their business transactions, and assist clients to complete procedures for obtaining tax incentives.

Tax Services

Assist and represent clients in preparation of documents and communication with tax authorities in all aspects related to tax issues.



Legal advice and advocacy services Foreign Investment
Real Estage & Construction Commercial Transaction
Banking & Finance Corperate - M&A
Employment Dispute Resolution
IP/Technology Transfer/Franchise


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